
Resource Posts

Monday, January 2, 2012

It's Official

It's official...we survived 2011! There were days that I wasn't sure that we would. I didn't know how I could go on one more minute much less another day or year. But, we made it. Here's to a new year.

Cohen has been a busy boy lately, as always. He has been practicing rolling over, which he did for the very first time on Christmas day.

He has also been protesting playing laying down on his back. He wants to be up so we put him in his Bumbo chair or in his excersaucer. The problem is that he still can't quite hold his head up all of the time yet. He wants to do big boy things, but physically, he's not quite there yet. But who are we to tell him he can't? So we tuck him in with blankets to prop him up so he can play with his toys. We put a phone book under his feet so that he has something to stand up on.

He has had an interesting few weeks in the napping and eating departments. Last week, he refused to eat and napped all day long. This week, he is still occasionally refusing to eat and not wanting to nap either. He is starting to exhibit some signs of being a little bit stubborn. I have no idea who he would get that from. In my effort to get him to eat something, I fed him peas. Preemie moms are always worrying about getting in trouble for not having their babies gain enough weight. It is like this constant thought. I had no clue what he would do, but he actually ate the peas. He didn't choke or gag or even spit them out. He just ate them. I tried rice cereal first, but he wasn't really interested in that. I'm not sure if he should even be eating food, but he seemed to enjoy it. It's really kind of complicated. Cohen is technically 7 months old. But really, he is only expected to act like a 3 month old. However, since he has been out for 4 extra months, he does some things that are older than his adjusted age. So, who knows. We go to see his pediatrician at the end of this week so we will see what she thinks.

On the schedule for this week: Meeting with Cohen's OT (Mon) & eye appointment in Seattle (Wed), pediatrician visit (Fri)


  1. Our pediatrician basically left it up to us to decide when we would start solids. But she basically said that we should always treat Veronica as though she were somewhere between her chronological age and adjusted age.

    So I think you made a good decision. And if it seemed to work, even better!

    Happy 2012. Hope it's a great year for your family!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What a man! Shirtless and peas! Gramma will get him some sweet potatoes at the green barn!!

  4. oh my gosh, he looks so much older in that first picture!!
