
Resource Posts

Monday, January 30, 2012


I have to be honest, I have been having a rough couple of weeks. Part of it has been doing some processing and the other part of it is that it is really hard for me to be inside all day, every day. I'm used to being busy and going out and about.

Some of you still ask about Cohen and germs. Yes, we are still concerned about him being around germs. RSV season goes through April, so until then, we will mostly be housebound. And it's hard. It's hard for me and I think it's hard for Cohen too. I will do anything I need to in order to keep Cohen healthy, but it isn't easy. Babies are meant to be out exploring their worlds and I can't even take Cohen out with me to the grocery store. He is inside every day. I take him into different rooms to play, but he is still in the house. He is a busy, active boy and when he is awake I am constantly moving him from the floor, to his exersaucer, to his little stand up table. I asked his OT if it was possible for him to get bored and she said YES. He gets fussy if I am not actively playing with him while he is awake.We try and get out for stroller rides when it isn't raining, but those are few and far between.

{Out for a stroller ride in the snow}

And this is hard for me too, it's isolating. I love being home with Cohen and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. But it's difficult to not be able to go out if I need to. My family has been a huge help in taking care of Cohen and letting me get out once in awhile. I just wish Cohen could be a "normal" baby. I want to take him out to playgroups or to church. I know this is just another stage in life and it will be over soon, but it's not easy. On the other hand, I am so in love with Cohen. I love seeing how far he has come. Sometimes I am secretly glad when he won't go to sleep because it means I get to sit and rock him. At night, I go into his room and watch him sleep and sometimes I even get him out of his crib just to snuggle him while he sleeps (risky, I know). I'm struggling, but this little face is SO worth it.

And p.s. Thanks to everyone who voted for Cohen in the contest. He was a runner up and earned a gift certificate!


  1. Isolation is really tough that first year. It's so, well . . . ISOLATING! It must be especially hard for you where you live. We live in Texas so we have mild winters, and I was able to go for strolls often. It is nice to be able to take my toddlers out and about now though (almost 2 yrs old). Spring will be here soon; hang in there!

  2. I agree with you. Isolation stinks! It's interesting to hear you say your OT mentioned they could get bored. I think Pierce and I are both very bored these days! And I do everything you do- snuggling, breaking "the rules." I mean, how can you not?! Do you guys have skype? If so, Pierce and I would love to skype with you and Cohen sometime. They could have a "virtual" playdate.

  3. Oh, Momma, do I feel your pain! My little 25-weeker (who is now 14 months) is going through his first full winter at home (he came home from the hospital in March of last year) and I'm stuck here with him. So it's been almost a year that we've been housebound, with the exception of a few outings this past summer. To make it worse, my husband travels 75% of the time and we have no family in town, so I'm REALLY alone! I guess I shouldn't discount the company of our other, 2-year-old son, but he just isn't quite the conversationalist I'd like him to be! Hang in there...spring will be here soon!
