
Resource Posts

Monday, December 19, 2011

Stocking Delivery

 Our week is a little busy this week...

Monday: Cohen's OT at 9:30
Tuesday: Work meeting for me at 7:00 am
Wednesday: Pulmonology appt at Children's, maybe visiting some friends, and maybe a little trip to the NICU if Cohen is up for it

The good news is that all the stockings, blankets, and hats etc got delivered last week. Danny and I were going down to Seattle for a Christmas/birthday party with some friends so we loaded up all the stuff in the car to drop off. We had to take my mom's blazer because neither of our cars had enough room. Cohen stayed with Gramma and Grampa for the night and we thought it would be easier to unload all the stuff without him.  I didn't take too many pictures because I was too busy carrying stuff.

 {This was my favorite blanket that I made}

We got to the hospital and met up with some friends who helped us guard the car and bring everything in (Thanks Ryan & Tiff!). I went up and got Diane, the NICU social worker who I had been chatting back and forth with. I'm not sure she quite understood how much stuff there was. She got her intern to come help thinking we could carry it all. Little did she know I had two grown men waiting at the car to carry it up and it still took 5 of us and one giant wheelchair two different trips. I tried to warn her that there was a lot of stuff but I think she was a little surprised. She was pretty excited about it and thought that the parents were really going to love it. Diane filled up her office and borrowed a little of someone else's to store the stuff. They will probably be handing it out closer to Christmas, which is just fine with me. I'm hoping she will send me a little email after they give everything out so I can hear how it went.

 {All loaded up and ready to go}

We didn't visit very much, just a quick trip but I did get to see the social worker from the Drs office who was such a huge help to us during the pregnancy and after the boys were born. She was so wonderful to us and I hadn't seen her in a while so it was fun to see her.

{Ryan & Danny}

 {Mom made cookies for all the nurses}
THANKYOU, THANKYOU, THANKYOU to all of you who helped out in any way for this project whether by gathering stuff, knitting hats, making blankets, or giving money donations. We couldn't have done it without you! When I first had this idea, I had no idea how big of a project this was going to turn into but I am so happy with how it all turned out. Thank you so much for taking the time to help us give back to the people who have given so much to us and for helping other parents who are in such a difficult situation. We appreciate it SO much, it means so much to me. I wish I could hug you all :)

Oh, and I'm working on a little something that I am excited and nervous to show you...I will let you know when I am ready.

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