
Resource Posts

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Eve Top 6

Christmas Eve at the Rinehart's in top six fashion, in no particular order:

1. We had Mexican food for dinner. Tacos, enchiladas, chips, salsa, and I made cheesecake for dessert.

2. NO football! Well, not at the house at least. The boys all went over to Joel and Christine's to watch football so we had some peace and quiet before the party started.

3. Cohen's cousins finally got to hold him. We were a little bit naughty since Cohen isn't really supposed to be around people/kids, but they were healthy and we bathed them in hand sanitizer. They did a really good job with him and Cohen did really well too. Cohen also got to meet my youngest brother John for the first time. He was actually in isolation for most of the night other than when he came out for pictures and to look at trains. It's so hard to keep him away from "normal" life.

{Cousins in matching jammies made by Gramma}

4. Family picture. See that gold balloon in the back? My family got that for Carter. I am so thankful to my family for remembering and including Carter as part of our family even though he can't be here with us and not expecting us to "just get over it". We have felt incredibly supported by our families.

 {Rinehart side: Back - Danny, John, Chuck, Josh, Christine, Joel
Front - Jana, Cohen, Dad, Mom, Michelle, Karen, Jordan, Josiah, Eli}

5. I got a "Project Life" book from Karen that I am pretty excited about. For a year you take a picture or write a little journal every day and put it all in a scrapbook. I probably take a picture every day anyway so that shouldn't be too hard, it will just be keeping up with putting it in the scrapbook. We also got a really cool sign from my brother Chuck that he made. I'm so excited to get it put up in Cohen's room.

6. Cohen loved looking at Grampa's trains. He has a few trains from when he was a kid that he has been working on getting to run again. Cohen would just watch them as they went around the track and couldn't wait to get his little hands on them.

And also, Ron Tranmer, the man who wrote the poem "The Broken Chain" that I put up on this post commented on my blog! He has written a lot of really great poems that seem to express a lot of the feelings that I have lately. You can go here to see his comment and a few more of the poems he has written that he left there as well. I was pretty excited about it because he writes such great poems.


  1. What a special gift from Ron Tamner. It was a lovely holiday. :0)
    <3 Christine

  2. I will make sure you keep up with your book because I will be there once a week to do it :)

  3. I'm slowly reading your blog....

    The balloon in the family photo is such a nice tribute to your sweet baby Carter. I'm glad you have such a supportive family.
