
Resource Posts

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have so much to be thankful for this year, it's hard to know where to start. We are thankful for Cohen and Carter. We are thankful that we can dress Cohen, change his diaper, and snuggle him whenever we want. We are even thankful that we get to get up during the night with him. We are thankful for every single obstacle he has overcome from kidney failure, premature lungs, being on a ventilator for 2 months, infections, chronic lung disease, his PDA, and an enlarged heart. We are thankful for all of his progress, whether it happens according to what he "should" be doing or not. We are thankful for everything he does. We are also thankful for Carter, who gets to be with Jesus. We are thankful for the time that we got to spend with him, counting his fingers and toes and talking about how perfect he was. We still have an ache in our hearts for him, and we miss him every day, but we are thankful that we have the hope of seeing him again some day. We are thankful that the Lord gave up his son so that our son gets to be with him in heaven.

  We are thankful for the support and love we have received from family, church family, new friends, old friends, and even strangers. We are thankful that we have a chance to give back to others with our Stuff the Stockings project. We are thankful for egg nog and peppermint ice cream. We are thankful for jobs, food to eat, and a warm house to call home. We are thankful for opportunities to share about God with others through our story. 

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! We hope you enjoy the day with your loved ones.


  1. Hello everyone,
    It's been awhile since I have commented but wanted to say how I love to see your blogs of thanksgiving. "It is good to give thanks unto the Lord." Cohen looks great and I am so happy things are going well and that you are doing something from your heart to help other Mom's to feel comforted. God puts us in places at times to give us a new passion for a thing we may have never done before. God Bless you guys!

  2. Thanks Kathy! Happy Thanksgiving to you guys!
