
Resource Posts

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

By the Handful

Cohen has officially become a formula fed baby. His nurse said to watch him because sometimes they can get constipated when they make the switch. The other night Danny had put Cohen to bed and so the next day we had this conversation:

Jana: Did Cohen poop last night?

Danny: Yeah he did.

Jana: Well how much was it? Was it just a little streak or a real poop?

Danny: It was about a handful....

Should I be concerned that my husband is measuring poo by the handful? Or should I be more concerned that after he told me it was a handful I asked if it was my hand, his hand, or Cohen's hand?


  1. That is too funny!
    <3 Christine

  2. Welcome to parent-hood. More to come......
    Barb M.

  3. I love your follow-up question as to whose hand he was using to measure!
