
Resource Posts

Monday, November 7, 2011

5 Months

I know I say this about every month, but I can't believe Cohen is 5 months old (on the 5th)! He is growing up so fast. That's why I don't feel bad that my house is a mess and the dishes are dirty. He is growing too fast and I just want to enjoy my time with him. We have waited to so long to hold him whenever we want and take him out for walks and snuggle him that there is no way I am going to choose house work over those things. We started out the 5 month birthday with some Saturday morning snuggles in bed. Then Danny made us waffles for breakfast. We did some chores around the house and then went through the Woods drive thru for some coffee and then on a special little outing that I will share about tomorrow. We came home for lunch and naps and then Danny made some M&M cookies (yes, I know I am lucky!)

Happy 5 month birthday little tough guy! At 5 months old:

- You smile AT your dad and I which makes us so happy
- You are eating between 2-3 ounces in your bottle
-You weighed in at 11 lbs 4.5 oz today!
- You like to wave your arms around and kick your feet
- You like to sit in your bouncy seat even though there are no batteries in it and it doesn't bounce
- You are starting to "talk" more and even cry once in awhile when you are extra hungry
- You wear size 1 diapers and 0-3 month or 3 month clothes
- You love to be held and often protest napping in your bassinet by refusing to go to sleep until the second someone picks you up. Luckily there are lots of willing arms to hold you! You do sleep in your bassinet at night with no problems, so mom and dad are happy.
- You had your first official babysitter (other than Gramma). Auntie Karen stayed with you so that mom could go to an appointment.
- You are such a sweet boy and we love you like crazy!


  1. I can't believe how far he has come in the last 5 months!!! He is such a big boy and I am so glad I got to be your first official babysitter! Love you little man!

  2. Love the hair! I hope it's thick and curly like his mom's pretty hair!
