
Resource Posts

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Doctor's Visit

Cohen had a follow up with his pediatrician yesterday and his feeding tube is gone for good! We took it out on Friday because he had snorted it halfway out and we realized we were really only using it for maybe part of a feed once a day. So, we decided to take it out and see what happened. Cohen never even looked back! He is taking all of his bottles now and eats every 1-3 hours during the day and he gets to go up to 5 hours at night now before we need to wake him up! Yay!

He weighed in at 10 lbs 13 oz yesterday (up 8 oz from Friday) and 22 inches long. He really is getting to be a big boy. His Dr said this was "the best case scenario" for him. She said he must have just really wanted to be home. He has done really well at home. We were a little nervous about him not gaining the amount of weight they wanted after we pulled his NG tube, but he proved that he can do it! Because he is gaining weight like a champ, he doesn't have to have his milk fortified with formula anymore either. He gets straight breastmilk now. It's nice to feel like we are able to make decisions about taking care of Cohen and have reinforcement that we are making decisions that benefit him.

{First appointment out of the hospital}

We did talk to her about him starting to spit up more and he also gags and coughs quite a bit so Dr K started him on some Zantac because she thinks he might be refluxing and she doesn't want him to spit up and then get it into his lungs. Almost all preemies have problems with reflux so she wasn't really too surprised about this. We just started him on it yesterday so we will see if it helps. The home health nurse will come out on Monday to weigh him, otherwise he doesn't have to have another appointment for a month.

Yesterday I took Cohen out for a walk in his stroller. It was a nice sunny day so I bundled Cohen up and we went for a walk. We have to get out of the house while we can. I never thought I would see the day where I would be able to just put Cohen in his stroller and take him outside. I also didn't think I would ever see the day where he would be called chubby! We are so proud of our little (big) guy.