
Resource Posts

Friday, October 14, 2011

Contest Winners & First 24 Hours

Well, we have officially been home over 24 hours and are LOVING it. Cohen had a great first night, Danny and I didn't sleep more than 10 minutes combined. We would doze off and then wake up to check on Cohen and make sure he was still breathing, that his oxygen was still connected, etc. Cohen slept in his bassinet right next to our bed and grunted and slept the night away, waking up for all of his feeds except one! He was a pretty tired little fellow yesterday. He slept the entire car ride home, took a bottle, and then slept until 7 in the evening. The Dr said this was normal because that was a BIG day for him, only the second time he has ever been outside the hospital! Honestly, even though I have been tired today, I don't even care.

{All ready to go...I'm #1}

When I was awake snuggling Cohen last night I just couldn't believe that he was HOME and that he is all OURS!!! Cohen sent Gramma an email about 3 am saying that she was welcome to come over and see him any time. I sent Gramma a text about 5 am saying "Hellllllp" and then she showed up right outside the door! Cohen got some snuggle time in with Gramma and Danny and I got a few hours of sleep. We are SO blessed to have such a great family living close by (almost everybody within 5 minutes!) My sister and Mom had decorated the yard with balloons and a big sign for Cohen when we got home. They had also taken some time to finish decorating in Cohen's room a little and even put up some fall decor around the house. I love it all. It was just perfect to bring Cohen home to. That's the short of it. I have tons more pictures and things that I want to write about to remember this time. We will see if I am up all night and needing something to do or if I am just too busy spending time with my family at home. I just want to remember it all! It has been so great. Thank you so much for all of your prayers. We appreciate them!
 {My boys sleeping AT HOME!!!!}

And lastly...Cohen weighed 9 lbs 13 oz yesterday when he left the hospital!!! So I think Bridget (9 lbs 14 oz) and Daniel (9 lbs 12 oz) were the closest! Congratulations! You win...the satisfaction of knowing you won :) 


  1. I am so HAPPY for you guys!!! Glad you guys made it through the first 24 hours uneventful!! Enjoy your precious baby boy and all the little things day to day!

  2. Yay!! I'm so happy he's home and doing so well! He sounds like such a good little boy! He would have been even better if he didn't gain that extra ounce so I would have won! ;) haha

  3. Congratulations to Danny and Jana, and the whole family! He is adorable, and I'm sure he is so excited to be home too! :)
    ~Karissa V.

  4. Jana, I thought you would get a chuckle out of this: For 4 months we've been reading and praying with all your updates, and this morning my 7 year old daughter, Hannah Joy, asked, "Can we watch an episode of Cohen?" LOL

  5. in me?! Shannon and I are so happy that you get to have Cohen home with you. We've been praying for all of you, and will continue to do so.
