
Resource Posts

Monday, September 26, 2011

Back to Work

I had my first day back to work today and it was actually good! I was pretty nervous on my way in just because I had no idea what to expect or if I would remember how to do my job. I did mostly remember what to do, although I did try and get ice out of the blanket warmer. There were lots of hugs and "good to have you back"s which is just what I needed. Thanks guys! I guess they had been printing out some pictures from the blog and had them up on the bulletin board. It was really nice to be Jana, RN. A good change of pace from Jana, exhausted mommy of an angel baby and a NICU baby. Of course I am still those things, but it was just nice to be able to step outside of my own little world I've been in and help someone else for a little while.

Cohen has his pulmonologist consult tomorrow so please pray that we will be able to ask questions and get some good answers as to "what's next" for Cohen. I realized today that a lot of people don't quite understand what is going on with Cohen's lungs and that he has chronic lung disease and is trying to grow new lungs. Honestly, I don't understand it all either and that's something I am hoping to get a little more information on tomorrow. I have pieces of what I think is going on with his lungs but I'm not sure I understand the big picture. So that's something I hope to get a better understanding of. The pulmonologist is supposed to be there around 4:00 pm so I will head down in the morning to see my little chub who I miss like crazy!

Also, I went to see my therapist before work (I only worked half a shift) and on my way in I found a $20 bill on the ground! It made me pretty happy, although I felt a little guilty, but I don't think anyone was going to come back in the pouring rain for it. I feel like God was saying "See I'm still taking care of you and providing for you. Even in ways you don't expect". So on my way home from work I stopped at the Green Barn and got some apples, pears, and peaches to go with our dinner and some scones from the Lynden Dutch Bakery for dessert. Oh, and I forgot to mention that when I got in my car this morning I found the cutest pair of pink/purple knitted slippers on my seat. I am secretly (not so secret anymore I guess) an old lady at heart. Those of you that know me well know this already :) I knew it was going to be a good day between the slippers and the $20 bill.

Sorry, no pictures today but there will be tomorrow I'm sure! Speaking of pictures...I really want to get "newborn" pictures of Cohen. I really regret not getting maternity pictures so I don't want to miss getting pictures of Cohen at this stage of his life too. I know I take a million, but I want some nice ones that also incorporate a little of Carter too somehow. Any ideas? Do photographers make hospital calls??

1 comment:

  1. Jana! If you're interested, Kyle and I have already talked about doing pictures for you and he would love to come do them as a gift for you guys! I'll send you the link to his website and if it's the sort of thing you're looking for, just let me know :) Also, he's done other babies but hasn't put them up yet so maybe I'll try to get him to do that :)
