
Resource Posts

Thursday, September 1, 2011

38 Weeks

I hope that last post didn't seem ungrateful. I am so incredibly thankful for all the prayers, encouragement and support we have received. This has been a very difficult time in our lives and so many of you have helped to carry our burdens in so many ways. We really do appreciate everything that everyone has done for us.

Cohen hit 5 lbs 7 oz and 17 inches long yesterday! I typed that and then I erased it because I didn't believe that he could be that big. But he really is. Amazing. Cohen had a few more visitors yesterday, Auntie Jen and Ashlee stopped by to say hi on their way to the zoo. Cohen wanted to go along, but he decided to take a nap instead. Maybe next time?

 {Dad getting Cohen dressed}

He is the same on his oxygen and is now down to getting his full feed over an hour. He seems to be doing okay but has been breathing kind of fast for the last day or so. Please pray that he continues to handle his feeds well and that it doesn't take too much of his energy. Pray that he continues to progress and not go backwards so that he can continue with his breastfeeding. This is one of his last goals before he goes home is that he has to be able to tolerate his full feeding and then be able to take all of his feedings either by breast or bottle, which can take preemies awhile to master. He also had his caffeine stopped a few days ago so we will see how he does with that as well. Otherwise he's just been hanging out in his crib, smiling at mom and dad.

He had a neurodevelopmental exam yesterday and he passed. He is doing the things he should be at his gestational age. One of his tests was that the therapist held Cohen and then had Danny and I stand on each side of her. She had each of us talk to him, one at a time and slowly but surely he turned his head toward whoever was talking to him. We are encouraged that he is on track for where he should be. Danny got Cohen dressed for the first time and Cohen cooperated very well!

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