
Resource Posts

Monday, September 5, 2011

3 Months - A Letter to Carter

To My Baby Boy,

I can't believe it has been 3 months since you entered and left this world. 92 days since we held you in our arms and said hello and goodbye to you. Three months since we counted your perfect fingers and toes and wrapped you up in a little blanket. We showed you off to our family and the nurses took your handprints and footprints. We talked about how you had your daddy's feet and hands. We laughed and we cried. We are so proud of you sweet little boy. You fought hard. You and Cohen are your Dad and Mom's greatest joys in life.  You boys have taught us so much about each other, life, and God. Our lives will never be the same again. For reasons we may never know until we meet the Lord, you didn't get to stay with us. We miss you so, so much. We talk about you often. The other day I was sitting and rocking Cohen and I was thinking about how much you looked like him. Just as I was thinking that, Gramma said it out loud. And as I was agreeing, Cohen got this big smile on his face. Like he knew it too. I bet you two were playing together in his dreams. I sure hope so. We can't wait to tell him all about you.

Your life was short, but you have already made an impact in peoples lives. Especially your Mom and Dad's. You are a very loved little boy. We hope your story is one that can continue to change people's lives. Through you we have learned that God is God no matter what and he is always in control. Through you we have learned that this place is indeed only our temporary home. Your little life has made us long for our eternal life. It has made us so thankful that we have an eternal life to look forward to. It has made us so grateful that we serve a God who has died in our place so that we can live forever with Him (and you!) God has already used you in some big ways, little man.

Our hearts were completely broken that you didn't get to stay with us. But, we know that you are with Jesus and I know that if we asked if you wanted to come back, you wouldn't. I like to imagine you rocking in the arms of Jesus or your Great Gramma (hopefully they take turns!). I like to think about you playing with the angels and dancing on the streets of gold in heaven. Danny thinks you are probably playing a very tiny harp as the angels sing. Although we of course wish you were here with us, we can't imagine you in a better place. We are so thankful that you get to be with Jesus until we can see you again. We love you and miss you so much. You will always be our baby boy and a twin brother to Cohen.

Mommy & Daddy

1 comment:

  1. How beautiful! What a wonderful letter. Also a great encouragement to others. Thanks for the tears on my face today. May the Lord continue to show Himself faithful to you and your family! Blessings!
