
Resource Posts

Monday, August 29, 2011

Pictures Galore

Ok, it's been a few days since I've put up pictures so there is going to be a lot. We have had lots of changes going on. Cohen is now getting his 3 hours of food over an hour and a half. They will watch him closely to see if he is tolerating the feeds okay, if he looks like he is working too hard with his breathing or requiring more oxygen they may slow his feeds down a little or keep them where they are so he can adjust. He is settling in nicely to his big boy bed. He has outgrown some of his preemie clothes. We never thought we would see that day, but we are so glad it has come!

{Big boy crib!}

 He is still on his 1L of oxygen but his Drs have decided to keep his O2 sats (the amount of oxygen in his blood) up a little higher. When he was younger, they wanted him to be around 88-95%, but not much higher because the higher oxygen saturations could cause his eyes (ROP) to get worse. Now that he is older (almost 38 weeks gestation!) it has been shown that the higher amounts of oxygen don't cause the ROP to worsen so they have increased the concentration of oxygen he is getting to about 50% (the air we breathe is about 21%) to keep his O2 sats between 95-100%. Since his heart is working harder because of his lungs, the higher oxygen will also be beneficial to his heart and hopefully it won't enlarge any more. Confused? Yeah, me too. Basically, he is getting a higher concentration of oxygen but is keeping the lower "flow" of oxygen.

{Snuggling after bathtime}

Cohen also got another bath today and I did most of it by myself! Then we had some good snuggle time and he took a little nap. When he woke up for his diaper change he got to practice nursing and he did pretty well but did have one quick ABC (where he drops his heart rate and O2 sats). I think he was tired from so much activity today.

 {Grandma's first time holding Cohen}

{Talking to Grandpa Guy}

1 comment:

  1. Oh! He is just so beautiful! I am just a proud Auntie! Way to go Cohen! Love to you Jana and Danny!
