
Resource Posts

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Boy in the Dino Pajamas

Time for a Cohen update! Our little buddy has reached 4 lbs!! He had a rough few days after getting his immunizations. He was pretty cranky and having lots of ABCs. His day today was a little better after getting some snuggles from his daddy. He had another echo today to check his heart. This time the Drs are checking it to make sure his heart isn't enlarged from having to work too hard as well as taking a look at his PDA...The treatment for enlarged ventricles (the bottom chambers of the heart) is oxygen. Which he's already on, so i'm not really sure what would change or how much. Hopefully is heart looks good and nothing needs to change. He is up to 11.0 mL/hr on his feedings. Grow Cohen grow!

Gramma gave him the cutest dinosaur pj's and he looked adorable in them. His night nurse thought she had seen something on his skin so she marked it with a marker to keep an eye on it. It ended up being nothing (but we are thankful for her attentiveness :) When I came in I was joking with the nurses about his first tattoo and how they should have made it say "Mom" with a heart or something.

{I love the feet!!}


  1. He is very cute! I love the jammies too!
    <3 Auntie Christine

  2. I love the jammers too. But Cohn is beautiful.
    Love Great Auntie Eva
