
Resource Posts

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Not too much to update on today. Cohen had an ok day, not too many changes. They are trying to just let him rest and not make too many changes in his care. He is still on his oscillating ventilator and they are just adjusting his settings based on his blood gases. Because he is still on this ventilator they will hold off on his echo because they wouldn't be able to get a very good picture with all his shaking. He did get suctioned some more today and there was no more bleeding so hopefully it has stopped for good! We did get a little bit of good news in that they did another ultrasound of his head and the bleeding was gone from the left side of his brain and is resolving on the right side! Right now he has an IV going into his belly button that eventually they want to get out. They have tried to start other IVs on him and his poor little veins are just too fragile. So please pray that when they do decide to try again that they will be able to find one they can use. And Danny is here until Thursday morning!! Hooray! We have missed him :) I also had some friends from work stop by and they brought us lots of snack goodies which is perfect as we are often at the hospital for the majority of the day. Thanks guys!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Praise God today is better! I still continue to pray for Cohen and you and your husband even though I do not know you. I pray for your faith and strength and please don't beat your self up over your shaken faith we all go through that it will only make your faith stronger. HE uses these kinds of situations to refine us. I can't imagen how hard this is for you all 1 after losing Carter and and 2 after hearing of this other baby that passed that was next to Cohen. I pray for comfort for that family as well. Please know so many are praying and pulling for you all. I pray for the peace that surpasses all understanding for you. God Bless and you are doing a great job!
