
Resource Posts

Friday, June 24, 2011

A Fairly Quiet Day

Cohen had another pretty quiet day. I got to the hospital this morning just in times for rounds. All of the people who take care of Cohen meet every morning and talk about him and everything going on.He has about 6 doctors, respiratory, pharmacist, nutritionist, and nurse. I have only been to rounds twice and I just cried through them, but today I actually went and didn't cry! This is a pretty big accomplishment for me.
Cohen's kidney ultrasound that he had yesterday to check to see if the fungus had spread came back normal as well as his echo that he had done today! What an answer to prayer! He has one spot on his chest xray in his right lung that they aren't sure if it may have gotten to his lungs or if it is something else.  Cohen still has a moderate PDA but the doctors aren't planning on doing anything unless it starts to prevent his progress in going down on his settings on the ventilator. At this point they are happy that he is making enough progress that they don't think anything needs to be done immediately. Last night when I left he was pretty low on his oxygen, almost to room air! This morning I came in and he had to be increased in his oxygen quite a bit, this kind of seems to be how it goes...up a little, down a little.
One prayer request is Cohen's blood sugars. They seem to be all over the place and because of this they are having to change his insulin all the time and poke his poor little feet to check his blood sugars hourly. He can't quite seem to get regulated in his blood sugars and nobody is sure why. He will have good sugars and get his insulin turned off and then he will go really high and have to go back on again. So please pray that they can figure out why he is having so many variations and that they will level out. He is still so little and all the labs and pokes he gets make his blood levels get low and they he needs blood transfusions, he had to get another one today.
We are already starting to see little bits of Cohen's personality. Lots of preemies don't tolerate getting turned and messed with very well, but Cohen is pretty easy going and laid back when it comes to this. I think he gets that from his dad. He also seems to be fairly stubborn and likes to do things his own way, not the way of normal preemies. I think maybe he gets that from me. We like to tease him that he just likes all the attention from having a weird rash and not having the "normal" preemie problems. A common problem with little babies is feeding problems. Cohen started getting breast milk (through a feeding tube) last week and hasn't looked back. He is up to 3 mL per hour, he must have his dad's stomach too!
Ok, I guess his day was a little busier than I thought, but maybe I'm just getting used to it. I'm not sure that any of this will ever feel normal, but maybe someday it will get a little easier. Thanks for all your continued prayers! We really do appreciate them.


  1. That's great that everything's going well. Keep up the good work you're doing.

  2. Jana- glad to hear Cohen's kidney US and echo looked good and that he is tolerating his feeds so well. Those are all great signs! Being laid back but stubborn when you need to be are good traits- what a special little guy. We are praying for strength and healing for both baby and mama and will pray for stable blood sugars so his little heels can get a break. I can't imagine what you're going through but one of my favorite verses when I'm having a hard time or worrying about something is Phil 4: 6,7

    "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus"

