
Resource Posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Things to Do on Bedrest

While I am not on strict bedrest (they called it modified bedrest) I still spend a fair amount of time resting. My OB told me I need to find things to do to keep up my mental health while I am adjusting to all these changes, because I am used to being busy, not resting! So, I googled "things to do on bedrest" and this is what I got:

- puzzles
- crafts: crochet, knitting, hand sewing
- crosswords/word searches
- computer games
- bar soap sculptures (haha!)
- read books, magazines, blogs, parenting websites
- learn a new language
- Scrapbooking
- write letters
- online shopping - ebay, etsy, etc (although very dangerous!)
- organize photo albums, recipe books, update address books
- make lists, things for babies, things for me to do, things for hubby to do
- find new recipes
- make an email and phone list for when the babies arrive
- address envelopes for birth announcements

That's what I have found so far. I have done some of these things, but I think I need to mix up my routine a little and try a few new ones!

1 comment:

  1. is pretty fun. is a lot of fun also, but we have very different personalities. So, there's a pretty good chance you won't enjoy it. Give it a try?

