
Resource Posts

Saturday, April 2, 2011


After a slow start to our Saturday, we got a lot of things done today! We have had an ongoing list for some time that we haven't quite gotten around to since we've been a little busy lately. We started with a little housework and then my dad came over to put a door looker (peephole?) in our front door. It always drove me crazy that I could never see who was coming to the door, so now I can! Thanks Dad!

My mom and Karen were down the street painting my niece's room but ran out of paint and couldn't get more. They had extra primer and they were on a roll so they asked if I wanted them to come primer the baby room while they were at it. We weren't really planning on painting for awhile (we don't even have a color picked out yet), but I won't turn down willing help! So Danny moved his computer desk to the dining room where it was going to go eventually anyway, and we taped off the room. So the primer is (almost) all taken care of and now we just have to pick a paint color! We are starting to accumulate a bit of baby stuff so it will be nice to be able to put it in the babies room. We have a baby room!
Danny spent some time moving furniture, cleaning his BBQ, and fixing the headlight in his car.

We have started to get a few things for the babies from friends, family, and my mom finds a lot of good things at 2nd Chance (the Lynden Christian thrift store!). We got two carseats from another nurse who also had twins that have since outgrown them. So I spent a little time cleaning the carseats and a bassinet we also got. So those are all ready to go! I've always been a planner and someone who liked to be prepared. Obviously we aren't going to have everything ready, but I figure the more we can get ready in the next couple months the better! Thanks mom and Karen!

My last project was to finally, after 2 months, put up my curtains! I got new curtains but they were too long so I had to shorten them. I only got around to one for awhile so I finally finished fixing up the 2nd one! Yay!
After a hard day of work we had Danny BBQ some hamburgers on his new clean grill for the work crew. I am pretty tired, but glad that we got a lot of things done!!

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